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/*! elementor – v3.17.0 – 08-11-2023 */
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We are an authorized dealer for Longhi Italy for the iconic Elda chair.

Simultaneously, we are a European reseller for Kashiwa and Hida Sangyo,

Japanese “Hida Takayama” artisanal wood crafted furniture.

Furthermore, we can also ofer furniture from Chapo Créations, Arflex and Tacchini.

The range of new furniture is deliverable specifically upon customer request.

/*! elementor – v3.17.0 – 08-11-2023 */
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/*! elementor – v3.17.0 – 08-11-2023 */
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Our warehouse is located in the South-Western part of the Netherlands. We’re more than happy to accommodate your visit. Please let us know if you want to come by in person.


Our office is located in Tholen, The Netherlands

/*! elementor – v3.17.0 – 08-11-2023 */
.elementor-heading-title{padding:0;margin:0;line-height:1}.elementor-widget-heading .elementor-heading-title[class*=elementor-size-]>a{color:inherit;font-size:inherit;line-height:inherit}.elementor-widget-heading .elementor-heading-title.elementor-size-small{font-size:15px}.elementor-widget-heading .elementor-heading-title.elementor-size-medium{font-size:19px}.elementor-widget-heading .elementor-heading-title.elementor-size-large{font-size:29px}.elementor-widget-heading .elementor-heading-title.elementor-size-xl{font-size:39px}.elementor-widget-heading .elementor-heading-title.elementor-size-xxl{font-size:59px}

We currently have a job opening for an internship (M/F)

If you’re looking to learn everything about the vintage and design furniture business and if you’re willing to grow into the organization, send
us an email with your resumé (CV). We have no prerequisites for education, but you need to have a strong afection for design (furniture),
you need to be able to be available for at least 2 days per week and live in a radius of 50 km from Tholen. Furthermore, we’re looking for
someone with at least a drivers license (B).

The internship will consist of all relevant elements of the vintage business, which consists of support in purchase, sales, marketing and
logistics. You’ll be introduced in a broad range of topics comprising the vintage business.


We can accommodate you with shipping solutions and we ship European-wide and worldwide.

We can provide you with a competitive sea freight – and airmail shipping quote based on your requirements. We have contracts with all major freight forwarders specialized in high value furniture transport

We can provide bespoke shipping to you, including custom built wooden crates, comprehensive soft packing, insurance and paperwork, making sure that your precious furniture is shipped with utmost protection.

We have no current fairs or exhibitions upcoming.

Our company was created out of hobby in 2019. Our love for design in general and furniture in specific lead us to renew our interior on regular base. At a certain point, we became more knowledgeable on design furniture, more passionate about it during the process and more enthousiast about the idea of actually expanding this hobby into a real business. In the meantime we’ve expanded our business substantially.

We started in Artifort pieces and expanded the activities slowly into other design. Nowadays, our assortment consists of a curated selection of high-quality furniture time pieces, ranging from the art-deco era to the contemporary era, with a strong focus on French and Italian design from the 1960s till the 2000s. We always strive for an eclectic mix of styles.

Our assortment is carefully selected for our customer base, whereby we focus on quality, rarity and design. We like to have a variety in our assortment between established and wellknown premium pieces and less well-known items that are still considered afordable. We also have new (modern) design in our assortment through representation of several brands. More information under the Contemporary Section.

What We Provide


If you are looking for a specific furniture piece(s) that we currently don’t have in our assortment and you have trouble searching, selecting and buying the right piece for your needs, don’t hesitate to let us know. We can take over your sourcing process on a commission-free (no cure no pay) base for you. Because of our international network we would be able to venture out your request easily to a pool of internationally operating furniture professionals. If you like to have a conversation about this, please don’t hesitate to contact us through the website and let us know what you’re looking for


We have the option of selling used design and vintage furniture in consignment on behalf of clients. Due to our international network and access to international trading platforms we can provide the client with a total solution. The needs of the client will be taken care of in full, from intake of the furniture to shipping of the furniture once it’s been sold. We love to discuss the available options with you. In any case we are able to provide you with a full service approach against limited costs. Due to our international exposure we are able to get you the best sales result for your unique piece of design furniture.


For every occasion or event we have rental furniture pieces available. In general, the pieces on sale can also be rented out for a certain period. Alongside we also have some dedicated rental pieces available. For example for events or for filling in temporary shortages in furniture for hotels, restaurants or public spaces. The pieces for rent permanently are designated as such in our collection. Please send us an email for available rental options to you.


We have the possibility of recreating any rare spare part for your cherished furniture piece out of metal. In absence of current production, we’re able to replicate this part on your behalf. We work together with professional companies able to (re)create a diversity of spare parts, only with the use of an existing part to clone it from. Mostly through the use of CNC machining. We’ve done it for several models already successfully. Please contact us for more information on possibilities.


We have the option of reupholstering furniture pieces for you in the desired fabric or leather. If you like certain furniture pieces we have on sale but you’re not convinced on the current fabric or leather, we can customize it according to your desires. We work together with professional workshops (ateliers) for furniture upholstery and we can supply you with most fabrics, such as Kvadrat, De Ploeg, Camira, Keymer, Gabriel, and diferent sorts of leather


In case you are in the possession of a vintage piece for which you’re looking authentication and provenance, we can help you. If you have your doubts on authenticity and history on one of the pieces you have in your possession, we’re able to perform a search and provenance check for you. We’ll provide it for lower costs than an official art appraiser too. We can provide you with the certainty you need. Please contact us for more information to discuss possibilities.In case you are in the possession of a vintage piece for which you’re looking authentication and provenance, we can help you. If you have your doubts on authenticity and history on one of the pieces you have in your possession, we’re able to perform a search and provenance check for you. We’ll provide it for lower costs than an official art appraiser too. We can provide you with the certainty you need. Please contact us for more information to discuss possibilities.

Thanks for your interest.

Please fill in the form or send an e-mail to



/*! elementor-pro – v3.16.0 – 20-09-2023 */
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  • + 31 (0) 6 285 67 986

  • Tholen, Netherlands

We are an authorized dealer for Longhi Italy for the iconic Elda chair.

Simultaneously, we are a European reseller for Kashiwa and Hida Sangyo,

Japanese “Hida Takayama” artisanal wood crafted furniture.

Furthermore, we can also ofer furniture from Chapo Créations, Arflex and Tacchini.

The range of new furniture is deliverable specifically upon customer request.


Our warehouse is located in the South-Western part of the Netherlands. We’re more than happy to accommodate your visit. Please let us know if you want to come by in person.


Our office is located in Tholen, The Netherlands

We currently have a job opening for an internship (M/F)

If you’re looking to learn everything about the vintage and design furniture business and if you’re willing to grow into the organization, send
us an email with your resumé (CV). We have no prerequisites for education, but you need to have a strong afection for design (furniture),
you need to be able to be available for at least 2 days per week and live in a radius of 50 km from Tholen. Furthermore, we’re looking for
someone with at least a drivers license (B).

The internship will consist of all relevant elements of the vintage business, which consists of support in purchase, sales, marketing and
logistics. You’ll be introduced in a broad range of topics comprising the vintage business.


We can accommodate you with shipping solutions and we ship European-wide and worldwide.

We can provide you with a competitive sea freight – and airmail shipping quote based on your requirements. We have contracts with all major freight forwarders specialized in high value furniture transport

We can provide bespoke shipping to you, including custom built wooden crates, comprehensive soft packing, insurance and paperwork, making sure that your precious furniture is shipped with utmost protection.

We have no current fairs or exhibitions upcoming.

Our company was created out of hobby in 2019. Our love for design in general and furniture in specific lead us to renew our interior on regular base. At a certain point, we became more knowledgeable on design furniture, more passionate about it during the process and more enthousiast about the idea of actually expanding this hobby into a real business. In the meantime we’ve expanded our business substantially.

We started in Artifort pieces and expanded the activities slowly into other design. Nowadays, our assortment consists of a curated selection of high-quality furniture time pieces, ranging from the art-deco era to the contemporary era, with a strong focus on French and Italian design from the 1960s till the 2000s. We always strive for an eclectic mix of styles.

Our assortment is carefully selected for our customer base, whereby we focus on quality, rarity and design. We like to have a variety in our assortment between established and wellknown premium pieces and less well-known items that are still considered afordable. We also have new (modern) design in our assortment through representation of several brands. More information under the Contemporary Section.


Our warehouse is located in the South-Western part of the Netherlands. We’re more than happy to accommodate your visit. Please let us know if you want to come by in person.


Our office is located in Tholen, The Netherlands

We currently have a job opening for an internship (M/F)

If you’re looking to learn everything about the vintage and design furniture business and if you’re willing to grow into the organization, send
us an email with your resumé (CV). We have no prerequisites for education, but you need to have a strong afection for design (furniture),
you need to be able to be available for at least 2 days per week and live in a radius of 50 km from Tholen. Furthermore, we’re looking for
someone with at least a drivers license (B).

The internship will consist of all relevant elements of the vintage business, which consists of support in purchase, sales, marketing and
logistics. You’ll be introduced in a broad range of topics comprising the vintage business.


We can accommodate you with shipping solutions and we ship European-wide and worldwide.

We can provide you with a competitive sea freight – and airmail shipping quote based on your requirements. We have contracts with all major freight forwarders specialized in high value furniture transport

We can provide bespoke shipping to you, including custom built wooden crates, comprehensive soft packing, insurance and paperwork, making sure that your precious furniture is shipped with utmost protection.

We have no current fairs or exhibitions upcoming.

Our company was created out of hobby in 2019. Our love for design in general and furniture in specific lead us to renew our interior on regular base. At a certain point, we became more knowledgeable on design furniture, more passionate about it during the process and more enthousiast about the idea of actually expanding this hobby into a real business. In the meantime we’ve expanded our business substantially.

We started in Artifort pieces and expanded the activities slowly into other design. Nowadays, our assortment consists of a curated selection of high-quality furniture time pieces, ranging from the art-deco era to the contemporary era, with a strong focus on French and Italian design from the 1960s till the 2000s. We always strive for an eclectic mix of styles.

Our assortment is carefully selected for our customer base, whereby we focus on quality, rarity and design. We like to have a variety in our assortment between established and wellknown premium pieces and less well-known items that are still considered afordable. We also have new (modern) design in our assortment through representation of several brands. More information under the Contemporary Section.

What We Provide


If you are looking for a specific furniture piece(s) that we currently don’t have in our assortment and you have trouble searching, selecting and buying the right piece for your needs, don’t hesitate to let us know. We can take over your sourcing process on a commission-free (no cure no pay) base for you. Because of our international network we would be able to venture out your request easily to a pool of internationally operating furniture professionals. If you like to have a conversation about this, please don’t hesitate to contact us through the website and let us know what you’re looking for


We have the option of selling used design and vintage furniture in consignment on behalf of clients. Due to our international network and access to international trading platforms we can provide the client with a total solution. The needs of the client will be taken care of in full, from intake of the furniture to shipping of the furniture once it’s been sold. We love to discuss the available options with you. In any case we are able to provide you with a full service approach against limited costs. Due to our international exposure we are able to get you the best sales result for your unique piece of design furniture.


For every occasion or event we have rental furniture pieces available. In general, the pieces on sale can also be rented out for a certain period. Alongside we also have some dedicated rental pieces available. For example for events or for filling in temporary shortages in furniture for hotels, restaurants or public spaces. The pieces for rent permanently are designated as such in our collection. Please send us an email for available rental options to you.


We have the possibility of recreating any rare spare part for your cherished furniture piece out of metal. In absence of current production, we’re able to replicate this part on your behalf. We work together with professional companies able to (re)create a diversity of spare parts, only with the use of an existing part to clone it from. Mostly through the use of CNC machining. We’ve done it for several models already successfully. Please contact us for more information on possibilities.


We have the option of reupholstering furniture pieces for you in the desired fabric or leather. If you like certain furniture pieces we have on sale but you’re not convinced on the current fabric or leather, we can customize it according to your desires. We work together with professional workshops (ateliers) for furniture upholstery and we can supply you with most fabrics, such as Kvadrat, De Ploeg, Camira, Keymer, Gabriel, and diferent sorts of leather


In case you are in the possession of a vintage piece for which you’re looking authentication and provenance, we can help you. If you have your doubts on authenticity and history on one of the pieces you have in your possession, we’re able to perform a search and provenance check for you. We’ll provide it for lower costs than an official art appraiser too. We can provide you with the certainty you need. Please contact us for more information to discuss possibilities.In case you are in the possession of a vintage piece for which you’re looking authentication and provenance, we can help you. If you have your doubts on authenticity and history on one of the pieces you have in your possession, we’re able to perform a search and provenance check for you. We’ll provide it for lower costs than an official art appraiser too. We can provide you with the certainty you need. Please contact us for more information to discuss possibilities.

Thanks for your interest.

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